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Section I Mock Exam - 10 Questions

With your purchase you recieive: 

  • 10 Mock Exam Questions Based on Section I of The 5th Edition Task List - Personnel Supervision and Management
  • The Answer Key
  • Want an additional guide with extra questions with your mini-mock? Choose option 2! Keep this document handy for when you become a supervisor.


Q: What is section I based on? 


A: It's based on the Supervisior Outline Curriculum 2.0 and these task list items:

I-1 State the reasons for using behavior-analytic supervision and the potential risks of ineffective supervision (e.g., poor client outcomes, poor supervisee performance).

I-2 Establish clear performance expectations for the supervisor and supervisee.

I-3 Select supervision goals based on an assessment of the supervisee’s skills.

I-4 Train personnel to competently perform assessment and intervention procedures.

I-5 Use performance monitoring, feedback, and reinforcement systems.

I-6 Use a functional assessment approach (e.g., performance diagnostics) to identify variables affecting personnel performance.

I-7 Use function-based strategies to improve personnel performance. I-8 Evaluate the effects of supervision (e.g., on client outcomes, on supervise


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